WESun, WESat challenge response, MaadMaax Len, The Pregnant Man

Got knocked up


Boy inside
Little old me

Still smoking cigs
Still drinking beer
Cursing loud enough
For the embryo to hear

Gotta learn him good.

Baby pops out
hemorrhoids hurt
Little guy
Looks like a wrinkled turd

Not really

Sweet little guy
With a brown and a blue eye
One for his mom and one for this guy

He was swimming in beer
Cursing he would hear
What did he learn?
Nothing I fear.

His first words were
“I love you mom.”


The Challenges were: The Prompt from Sunday
Today I want you to think about the placement of the words on the page.

Study the examples. How does the typography affect the way you would read them if you were to read them out loud?

Write a poem, or take one you’ve already written. Experiment with the typography to vary the pace, emphasize certain words or phrases, even create visual puns—see the Kinnell poem or, in mine:

That link: http://writingessentialgroup.com/2014/09/21/sunwinks-september-21-2014-playing-the-field/
The prompt from Saturday: This Week’s Challenge:

Using prose or poetry, write about your own cravings when you were pregnant or about the cravings your wife/girlfriend had.

That link: http://writingessentialgroup.com/2014/09/27/wesat-september-27-2014-i-think-im-pregnant/

Dreams On My Pillow, by Irina Dimitric (A book review)

Dreams On My Pillow, Cover

I’ve come to love Irina and her poems. She has become a master of the various poetry styles and has even developed a style of her own.

Her book, Dreams on my Pillow, took me through her life, filled with wacky fun, sadness, happiness and all that goes with growing up.

I think my favorite was about her experience during World War II, The Air Raid. Her father was in a German POW camp; she running with her sugar rations to shelter as the warning sirens blared. This one put me on the edge of my seat.

For all of those that love poetry, I highly recommend this book. It’s a page turner and a keeper.

You can find both paperback and eBook on Xlibris:

Softcover link:

or on Amazon at

It was just published on Amazon, so the image doesn’t show up, but if you click on the link above, you’ll find it.

With Love, Elsie (a book review)

Elsie Cover

Elsie Duggan, near age 88, has seen and experienced life to the fullest. She’s gone through great happiness and joy, and sadly loss and heartaches, yet she’s kept her sense of humor. Her flowing poetry touches the heart as she shares with us the precious love that makes her who she is.

Her book, With Love, Elsie, is an outstanding book of poetry, filled with her life and feelings. She lost her husband a few years back in the physical sense, but is still connected and that shows in her poetry.

I think my favorite is, I Love A Whistling Man, but it’s hard to pick a favorite. This book is for everyone that loves poetry.

With Love, Elsie can be found in either paperback or as an ebook on Amazon.

The paperback link is: http://www.amazon.com/Love-Elsie-Duggan/dp/1500344869/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1406399430&sr=1-1&keywords=with+love%2C+elsie

And the ebook is: http://www.amazon.com/Love-Elsie-Duggan-ebook/dp/B00M5CNSNW/ref=sr_1_2_title_0_main?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1406399430&sr=1-2&keywords=with+love%2C+elsie